
Nacho's first Christmas in his furever home!

Last year, our Christmas was quiet, my floors were clean but my house felt empty.  2020 brought some negativity to the world, but for us, it brought us our beloved Nacho.  Thanks to Moonsong Malamute Rescue, we were introduced to a dog that would change our lives more than any other dog we have ever had.  Nacho got some toys for his stocking and didn't realize they were toys for him....but once he realized they were his toys...he's been playing with them every day since them.  Both toys were made by Kong, in hopes they'd be durable...but we got him a...

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Nacho Week 4 Recovery Update

It's been almost four weeks since that horrifying morning and Nacho has shown no signs of the condition (Vestibular disease) returning.  He had his annual checkup at our vet, who was pleased to see that Nacho was back to normal, and he made the comment that a second episode would not be good.  We are so fortunate and blessed to have an amazing vet who explains things to us and truly has a heart to help.  Nacho is a good weight, according to the vet, and we continue to pray that he never has another episode.  We now have Nacho on...

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Nacho Week 1 Recovery Update

It's been a week since our terrifying encounter with a condition we never new existed, vestibular disease.  (see previous blog post) Nacho finished his round of Cernia three nights ago and we've see no reoccurrence of the condition.  Friday, we started Nacho on the Dasaquin supplement and have seen his personality perk up, he's wagging his tail more and seems to have his old energy levels back. I'm surprised that he's made such a turn-around so quickly, but we're continuing to keep an eye on him for any symptoms of reoccurrence.  Nacho did decide he wanted to continue to lick the...

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Vestibular disease - a must read

We felt compelled to share our scary experience earlier this week, because we wanted to get the word out about a condition we never knew existed.  Vestibular disease, aka aging brain disease.  The vestibular part of the brain affects balance and can cause dizziness.  This happened to our beloved Nacho and terrified us a great deal. At first, we thought might have been a seizure as this reaction was pretty severe.  He was tense, shaking, excessively drooling and clearly terrified.  There are many different symptoms to this condition, some scarier than others, but it’s more common than I was aware. ...

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What do our furry customers think?

Check out the video to see what our furry customers think about our treats.  They say it all....even without saying a word.  

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