
So hard to remember sometimes

Have you ever had your furbaby give you that know the look I'm talking about?  The look that says, I'm so cute I need a treat.  Then you remember, you're out of treats.  UGH!  It's so easy to forget to reorder items that you run out of; it happens to me all of the time.  So, in an effort to make things easier for you, we're offering a subscription option.  You get a discount and you get never have to remember to order treats every you never run out.  So check out our subscription page, click the link...

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Giving Thanks, This November, To Meridian Canine Rescue!

WE LOVE OUR RESCUES!  During the month of November,we're donating 100% of our profits to Meridian Canine Rescue.  They're a no-kill shelter that gives pups a second chance for a furever home.  So, it's a win-win for you!  Reward your furbaby and help out a local group that does amazing work in our community! Also, if you'd like to add another furbaby to your family, you can check out the sweet pups they have for adoption on their website  

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Health Benefits of Gluten Free Oat Flour

As a pet parent, it’s always a struggle in knowing what to give your furbaby that will be safe for them to consume.  Many large pet food manufacturers have in the news being taken to court over non-disclosure of ingredients, or even deceptive advertising.  Even in human nutrition, there are so many opinions about what you should eat and what you should avoid, and most of the time we’ve found them conflicting opinions.  So, who do you believe? We all can’t go to school to get our degree in nutrition.  Our mission has always been to provide treats for your...

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Summer is here!

It’s warming up fast, so please don’t take your dog places if you have to leave them in the car. The inside of the car heats up very fast and cause kill your dog in a very short amount of time. More people are becoming aware of this and more people are taking action. So, if you see a dog in a hot car, don’t just hope that someone else will act…as you may be the only person that does. There are some things you can do to help: •If the dog is panting, call the non-emergency dispatch number to...

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